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One Step Forward And Then Another Step In Two Weeks

Procrastination is hitting me like a ton of bricks, that's for sure. I honestly can't believe how terrible I am at being productive. I was starting to pick up some steam last week, but already I am back to the point where I feel like I can't get myself moving.

This is definitely not good.

I've known from the beginning that doing a historical piece would require a lot of time and effort, yet I have given exactly none of those things to this project. I know that I am behind, but I can never force myself to do anything. I have done absolutely nothing for my 20Time project since my last blog post.

I'm going to try to get some stuff done tonight, but as always please don't expect a lot from me. My hope is to email the women at the historical society and ask for some more help with research. I want to see if they are aware of any letters/correspondence in their archives. This is because I am thinking about formatting my book as a series of letters, or an epistolary novel. I'm also going to ask if one of them could be my mentor. It seems like a logical step since I pretty much rely on them as it is.

Well, that's all I have for now. Tune in next week for more procrastination, pain, and complaining!

Au revoir,


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